Instructions for Authors
We welcome submission of articles in accordance with the journal’s theme and purpose. The editors will be happy to correspond with prospective authors at any stage of the process. Published articles are normally in the range of 4000–8000 words, and book reviews c. 1000-1200 words.
It is not necessary for an initial submission to be presented in the journal’s house style; on acceptance you will be asked to conform your piece to our Style Guide along with any other corrections.
Submissions should be in a single file only (with no separate files for appendices, etc.), and should be sent by email to the editors. The file should be in an editable format, such as Word or similar. A PDF of the file may be submitted at the same time if the author has concerns about formatting issues (e.g. with regard to illustrations or tables of figures).
Please include a clear indication of the title of your piece, your name as you wish it to appear on the journal’s contents page, any relevant institutional or professional affiliation (or, if none, then your town or city of residence), and an email address.
Please also include an abstract of 100-200 words and up to six keywords. Do not include a contents page. Do not include separate lists of illustrations, figures, etc. Make sure any appendices are clearly sub-titled; that they each begin on a new page; that they are gathered at the end of the article; and that they are part of the one complete submitted file.
All illustrations and figures should be inserted at the correct point in the document. Contributors are responsible for all copyright issues pertaining to the use of images or any other copyright material.